OPERATIONs volunteering
Operations describe the day to day, the practices that turn over results; the grind.
Think of operational work like a recipe; it's the idea that every task in the production of a cake is essential to it coming out perfect. Operational work describes all those tasks big and small that result is an organisation or nonprofit producing meaningful outcomes. Whether that’s helping sick kids enjoy one big wish, raising money for research to end a life altering disease, or funding wildlife sanctuaries to support endangered animals, both the mundane and the grand tasks help keep the good work going.
By volunteering within the operations of a company, you are contributing to the production of awesome work, and have potential to bring fresh eyes and business knowledge to improve internal production to turn over results faster. Through Vollie this can all be done at your convenience. Online volunteering revolutionises the way you can contribute to causes you care about. Now come on board companies to help out with their operations on your own schedule from the comfort of your own home.
Operations volunteers can change the world!
By harvesting more value from day to day operations, as an operational volunteer you are making it easier for good companies to do good today, and more likely that they will do so again tomorrow. Our operations volunteers can help find out what’s happening at the bottom line, keeping non-profits focused on the big picture. Operations volunteering can look like anything from centralising processes, identifying and avoiding bottlenecks in production, to streamlining communication across internal teams.
Financial volunteers with awareness of management trends and experience in utilising technologies to improve operations, make it easier for important companies to continue churning out good-for-the-world results. Financial volunteering uses your skills and experience to spring clean nonprofits internal systems, making them a home of productivity. Like any business nonprofits can benefit from an internal shake-up; making sure they are achieving their goals while working efficiently and effectively. If streamlining internal teams or creating pathways for better communications across different sectors of a foundation is your specialty, there's work for you!
Operations volunteers needed!
To jump on board as an operations volunteer all you need is to have access to the internet, and to be a team player. Whether you are willing to help out along the process, contributing to causes you care about, or if you're an operations expert, more hands on deck are always welcomed.
Operational volunteering is perfect for individuals experienced in;
· Cross functional Management
· Supply Chain Management
· Business operations