Find online volunteers for your non-profit or social enterprise FOR FREE!
Recruit volunteers with Vollie FOR FREE!
Vollie is a FREE volunteer recruitment platform that helps your charity, non-profit or social enterprise find skilled online volunteers. Vollie makes running a charity or non-profit easier. Sometimes all you need is a little help, but on a shoestring budget, finding someone with the skills you need can be a daunting task. That’s where Vollie comes in. We’re passionate about connecting you with highly skilled volunteers that want to contribute to your cause…and it’s catching on. Vollie has thousands of skilled volunteers across Australia ready to support your organisation. Vollie currently works with over 600 charities and non-profits, helping them find volunteers that they require. So what are you waiting for? Start recruiting volunteers today through Vollie.
Online volunteering is the future
To find skilled volunteers can be challenging. To facilitate online volunteering can be harder. Fortunately for you, that’s what Vollie specialises in. Vollie is a platform dedicated to working with charities and non-profits for the purpose of helping them find skilled volunteers in an online capacity. The way people work today is different to how things were done 10 or more years ago. The modern day workforce, which now consists of 55% Gen Y and Z, are increasingly time-poor, yet they still want to change the world. Today’s professional want’s to volunteer, but they want to do it in a way that affirms their sense of purpose. To effectively recruit volunteers today, a non-profit must align with a volunteers skills, as well what they care about. This is exactly how Vollie works. Our volunteer recruiting platform helps you find volunteers that are a perfect fit for your organisation. Vollie works with you to ensure our online volunteers complete work on-time and to the standard you expect.
Step 1
We'll help you translate your dreams into reality. You tell us what you want to achieve, and we’ll help you articulate a project that will attract the right volunteers. We’re here to make life a little easier for you!
Step 2
Select a Project Blueprint (a pre-scoped project brief that saves you time) to get started, make the necessary edits, and let the good times (and applications) roll! Interview your skilled volunteer applicants as needed so you can confidently select the right volunteer for the job.
Step 3
Communicate with your skilled volunteer through the Vollie platform, send feedback and comments, and ultimately end up with something you love. You can FINALLY cross that annoying little thing off your to-do list!
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We have a network of over 900+ non-profit, charity and social enterprise partner organisations across 16 countries around the world. You’re in good company!