Finance volunteering


Volunteering in Finance can make a difference

Do you dream of wall street? Know your way around a spreadsheet? Know the difference between gross and net? A lot of us don’t. And big ideas don't always come hand in hand with the knowledge of how to make them happen. Financial volunteering marries up your expertise with the grand ambition of awesome organisations and nonprofits to change the status quo for the better (#couple goals!). 

Use your financial skills from wherever you choose. Online financial volunteering frees up the constraints of the 9-5 so you can help out the causes you care about around your everyday schedules. Ditch the dress shoes and pull out the slippers for this project! 

Looking to volunteer in Finance?

Like any business, nonprofits can’t continue campaigning for a better world when they are in the red. They are also less likely to be on top of cost minimising and output maximising strategies as they focus on their big vision. And when an extra dollar could be put toward keeping animals out of the streets, women’s shelters open, and the sea empty of harmful plastics, we don’t want to take away from that. That’s where you come in. 

As financial volunteers, important causes need you to use your skillset to review financial goals, advise better savings and investment plans, and critically think about how companies can optimise how they use their funds. Whether you identify overspending in marketing in all the wrong areas or under preparing for tax time, these organisations need your fresh eyes and cutthroat business world experience. Perhaps you’ll find potential to outsource work, locate opportunities for internal sectors to specialise, or a new strategy to roll out new ideas quicker. You have the potential to bring higher productivity and more efficient strategy that might be lacking as organisations focus on the big picture and not the bottom line. Finance volunteers look to the numbers to make the world a better place, and provide recommendations and solutions in the interest of keeping the good working going. If you have previously worked within the finance sector, your KPI is now making it easier for companies to continue to do their good work.

In a world of tax dodging, ducking and hiding; finance volunteering can make you feel that you are working for something bigger than the high rises you might be used to. Your experience and expertise can help big goals be met, and increase everyone's utility as a result. 

Charities need your help as a finance volunteer

Calling on those who have worked within the following sectors to use their respective skill sets on behalf of a good cause;

  • Banking

  • Consulting

  • Accounting

  • Risk management  

  • Mergers and acquisitions

  • And; Superannuation