Disability support workers provide care, supervision and companionship for people with disabilities, ensuring the mental and physical wellbeing of each individual.  While this often requires hands-on support in homes, residences and hospitals, there are other ways that you can help - by joining a virtual team of disability volunteers. 

Disability Volunteers needed

Disability volunteering has become a whole lot more accessible, thanks to Vollie. People living with disabilities are vulnerable, and in need of support and understanding from those who understand their vulnerability and their specific needs.  But that isn’t confined to on-site care workers alone. The word needs to get out there. That’s why we need you. 

Disability support volunteering comes in many guises. It’s more than just working directly as a carer. Through Vollie.com, you could be raising awareness or raising funds to help a disability support provider. You could be building websites or building a community for disability support.  And here’s the thing about being one of Vollie’s disability support volunteers: you can do it on your time, in your space, at your place.

Dress how you like. Sport that daggy haircut.  Eat while you’re working. Have a wine before knocking off time – whenever you decide that is. Work after midnight, you night owl, if that’s your bag! Disability volunteering through Vollie breaks down the barriers and lets you play a part in the way you’re most comfortable. 

Maybe you’re an introvert who’d prefer to work behind a screen than in front of a group.  We know a lot of people like you, and you’re more than welcome, at Vollie. Disability volunteers who can offer their virtual skills and time… you’re gold. Seriously!

Volunteering for Disability Support charities on Vollie

Disability volunteers have patient caring natures. Perhaps a friend or member of your family is living with a disability. You’ll be a person who wants to make a difference in society, who wants to help those who are ability-challenged. So you’ll be pleased to know that your skills, career field and life experience can be extremely useful here, even if you’ve had little or no past experience in disability support work. 

Vollie seeks those with skills in the virtual world. The world of web design and copywriting, digital marketing and social media has a lot to offer the organisations and providers of disability support services. Or maybe you’re a fundraiser, an accountant, or have legal knowledge to offer? Vollie needs you!  Get involved today in disability support volunteering with the skills that you have, and feel how good it is to make change in this world. You won’t look back!